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Residential Homeowners Throughout Arizona & Minnesota
are Choosing Metal Roofing Solutions

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We make sure your roofing project is done right the first time!

Roof Repair & Roof Replacements in Arizona

Search the Major Arizona Metros & Locations

There has been a true shift with Arizona homeowners to opt in for metal roofing solutions, which reflects both a desire for durability and energy efficiency, as well as an appreciation for the aesthetic options available with modern metal roofing materials.


In early 2010 Vertex Metal Roofing was approached by a major nationwide metal roofing manufacturer with the idea of expanding operations to Arizona. The manufacturer saw a great market for metal due to the harsh climate, but when looking at the companies in existence, they did not feel confident in any of them representing their product the way they thought it should be represented. 


We’ve been installing roofs on residential homes and light-commercial buildings in Arizona since 2016. We have the experience and expertise to evaluate your roofing situation and provide the solutions that are best suited for your home. 





Roof Repair & Roof Replacements in
Minnesota & Wisconsin

Find your Local City or Town and We'll Come Out for a Free Roofing Estimate

Many Minnesota homes are coming due for a roof replacement, and majority of Minnesota homeowners have been reaching out for roofing repair and replacement services.  


With Minnesota’s varying climate and weather conditions throughout the year, choosing the right roofing contractor and roofing material crucial for durability, energy efficiency, and long-term cost savings.


Homes across the Northwestern part of Minnesota are now in need of shingle roofing repairs due to the recent storms and cumulative effects of harsh winters, heavy snowfall, and summer heat.



(602) 932-6848

(218) 306-1460

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