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What Sets Vertex Apart From Other Roofers?

Ever since the widespread prevalence of modern houses, roof designs have remained a key part of a complete home. Over the years, roof designs have changed and morphed to suit the time’s prevalence and unique needs. Metallic roofs, for instance, have been rising in popularity in recent times.

Should you get a metallic roof installed by Vertex Roofing? More importantly, what factors should guide your use of roofing material? Finally, are there any benefits to opting for a metallic roof over other types? 

Read on for comprehensive coverage of everything you need to know about metallic roofs in Northern Minnesota, Phoenix, and Tucson metros. Moreover, let’s also see what sets Vertex from other roofers.

Is a Metallic Roof Right For Your Home?

Whenever you bring up the roofing issue, it seems everyone has a preference. With more homeowners pivoting towards metallic roofs, it’s only suitable to consider if it’s a worthwhile option for you. So, what are the features of a metallic roof, and what benefits and downsides are associated with this type of roof?

Initially, metallic roofs were reserved for commercial buildings. However, given their sturdy nature, many homeowners eventually started using metal as an effective roofing solution. 

Today, metallic roofs have curved a niche market in residential roofing. Experts like Vertex Roofing help install and maintain your metal roof in Northern Minnesota, Phoenix, and Tucson metros. 

What sets Vertex apart from other roofers? Metal expertise is one. You must work with only the best installation expert if you need metal roofing solutions. When you’re working with Vertex Metal Roofing, you’re assured that your roofing needs are catered for from the onset to the completion of your roofing project.

 More homeowners want to switch to metal roofs because of their numerous benefits and unique features. If you want to make the jump and install a metallic roof, Vertex Metal Roofing has you completely covered.

Key features in residential metal roofs

A roof should last for several decades. As such, you want to ensure you’re making the right choice. What unique features does the residential metal roof offer? 

Below are some of the most unique reasons you should opt for a metallic roof for your home.

1. Energy efficiency

Some people falsely believe that metallic roofs are energy wasters. This, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. Metals used for roofing are especially suited to improve the energy efficiency in your home.

Metallic roofs can save you more than two-thirds of your energy bill. Most brands of metallic roofs are uncoated. However, their energy efficiency is still maintained. Moreover, roofs from Vertex Metal Roofing are customized to solve your home’s energy needs.

2. Noise reduction

Another common myth is that metal roofing is rather noisy, especially when it rains. This, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. Roofing from Vertex is manufactured with intricate noise-absorption properties. This significantly reduces any external noises, ranging from rain to other sources of noise pollution.

3. Pocket friendly

The initial installation cost is the largest bit of your roofing budget. Nonetheless, you must factor in maintenance costs over the years to see the actual cost of installing and maintaining your roof. 

With these factors accounted for, metallic roofs are one of the most affordable choices. A metallic roof is affordable and has minimal maintenance costs and practices.

Other key features of metallic roofs include;

  • They won’t rust, burn, crack, or break
  • It comes in a variety of colors, types, and styles
  • They increase your home’s aesthetic appeal and overall value
  • It can be made dust resistant with the application of special coats

Choosing metallic roofing

Fire resistance is one of the reasons why metal roofing became a popular option. Today, there are countless reasons why you should choose to roof your house with a metallic material. Mentioned above are just a few reasons metal roofing stands tall among other brands.

By consulting your metal roofing expert, you’ll learn more about whether it’s the best option. The versatility of metallic roofs means they can be used in nearly any setting and environment. 

For example, the energy efficiency of metallic roofs means they can be used in both hot and cold locations. Of course, your roofing expert will help you settle on the nuances of your metal roof.

What sets Vertex apart from other roofers?

After settling on metallic roofing, sourcing reliable and professional installers is the next step. This is where Vertex Metal Roofing comes in. With years of experience and professional training, you’re assured of a stellar job with every metal roof installation.

Vertex Roofing makes every piece of your metal roofing from scratch. This way, every part of the roofing process can be monitored. Moreover, this makes producing a custom roofing piece for your specific roofing needs easier. Contact us today for all your metal roofing needs in Northern Minnesota, Phoenix, and Tucson metros areas.

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